To appreciate space, sometimes we must recognize what life is like without it.
Instead of rushing headlong through your day to meet constant demands, or telling yourself you have to just get it over with, or picking up your device and getting pulled into the outer chaos and drama of the world…. take a moment to consider how bringing more space to your day might transform it.
Space is not just for weekends, but for every moment in every day. Just like our breath, when we bring attention to it, it can transform us. Make room and find your middle ground.
Without space this is no music, only discordant noise.
Without space there is no language, only meaningless sound.
Space weave patterns of meaning
breathes order into chaos
holds structures together, with the harmony of form.
And without space life is meaningless too-
a roar of constant activity
so crowded with demands that you lose perspective
so cluttered with responsibilities that you lose direction
and finally lose yourself.
But when space pervades your life
shapes begin to form, patterns start to emerge,
and your vision becomes clearer, against and empty background,
and you can sense your purpose again, and return to your path.
And when space pervades your being
the discord inside you begins to heal, the chaos begins to clear,
as if a river of ease is flowing through you.
You feel yourself emptying and expanding
until you’re vast and whole but limitless
and the vastness of your being is full
of harmony and meaning.
~ Steve Taylor, The Calm Center