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HomeBEVOLVE NEWSBreathe Well, Live Well – Find Your Middle Ground

Breathe Well, Live Well – Find Your Middle Ground

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The benefits of controlling our breath, particularly slow and deep breathing, help us manage stress, improve our mood, and promote relaxation. Scientific studies have shown that controlling the breath can help us manage stress and stress-related conditions. It balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, promoting a sense of calm, and helps improve our mood and overall feeling of wellbeing.

The content here is to help bring awareness to how you breathe. Its the foundation for mindful breathing to alleviate stress, reduce anxiety and to live a full and healthy life.

Breathe well

It begins with becoming aware of your breath:

Take a few moments to prepare yourself. Sit comfortably. Relax.

Begin by simply observing your breath. Get your own natural baseline. Notice without judgment.

Place one hand on your belly and the other above your heart. Notice the rise and fall as you breathe in and out.

Let the wave of breath flow deeper towards your belly. This uses the diaphragm muscle. Feel your tummy rising and falling as this muscle works.

Now placing both hands just below the navel. Breathe as if your breath can reach your palms.

Notice how this fills the whole body with breath. If this feels awkward or difficult, let go of any judgment, and simply notice. It takes time to become comfortable with controlling your breath.

As you continue your practice, let your belly expand as your lungs fill with air.

Soften your body so it can open to receive the air

Let the sensation of the breath move like waves. Find your own natural rhythm and pace.

Bring attention to your belly. Imagine as you inhale, your belly is like a balloon. With each inhale it fills up with air. Use your diaphragm to expand the belly outwards creating space for the air coming in.

On the exhale allow your belly to come back towards the spine.

This is full yoga breathing.

Notice – without any judgment – if this is easy for you or somewhat difficult. This will become easier and feel more natural over time.


Lightly bring equal length to your inhales and exhales. Silently count in your mind to ensure they are equal length. A 4-6 count is recommended.

Imagine waves coming to the shore ebbing and flowing.

Moving on to the next step in a natural smooth way

See if you can slow down and expand the length of both inhales and exhales. Making the waves longer let them flow more slowly.

Find the length that is expansive and opening. If you sense any struggle you have gone too far.

Don’t try, just step into this new space, accepting that what is good enough for your body is good enough for you.

In your mind count a number that feels long and strong for each exhale and inhale.

Let yourself be in the space at the end of the exhale without grasping on the intake.

man deep relaxed breathing

When you are ready you might want to expand your exhale making it longer than your inhale. This breathing is to let go of tension and release! See if you can make it twice as long.

As you release the tension in your body, allow the tension of your mind to also release with each long exhale.

Let the waves of breath flow through you.

Let the prana and life force flow through your entire body.

Come back to your natural breath and notice how you feel after this experience of mindful expansive breathing.

At the end of your practice, take a moment to sit and notice how you feel.


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