There is no doubt that we are in a time of turbulence and change. It isn’t an easy place to be, especially if you are following a spiritual path towards a New Earth or awakened humanity. When we live from the center of our being, our heart and soul, we work to bring more love, healing and higher vibrations into the world.
This time has stopped me in my tracks. My mother’s death also contributed to the sense of loss and dramatic change. I woke up in Scotland on November 6 to hear of Trump’s victory as I got ready for the funeral.
I have been struggling trying to accept the circumstances and understand what has happened.
When it comes to my mother’s death, it’s understandable, and also a blessing that she died suddenly and peacefully. I am at peace with it.
When it comes to the US election and people voting for Trump, it has been a real challenge. The man is a sociopathic liar and convicted felon, a narcissist who has assaulted and demeans women, and an open racist. He represents so much that I abhor in a human being. So how come so many people voted for him?
I understand a bit about human nature and the stories that we tell ourselves to make sense of what we don’t understand. Many people with money and power want to preserve it and will vote from self interested and greed. I also know that people who feel powerless or hold a grudge about their life circumstances, will often point the finger and become downright nasty for the situation they are in. They can also make themselves feel more powerful by aligning with someone they see has power, and who will fight the fight against a perceived enemy. I also know that some people in poor circumstances will push others down in order to elevate themselves.
Today I read this from The Marginalian by Maria Popova. It was an AH HA moment.
“One of the commonest and most corrosive human reflexes is to react to helplessness with anger. We do it in our personal lives and we do it in our political lives.
We are living through a time of uncommon helplessness and uncertainty, touching every aspect of our lives, and in such times another reflex is the longing for an authority figure selling certainty, claiming the fist to be a helping hand.
It is a touchingly human impulse, primal and pacifying — children turn to the parent to remove the overwhelm and uncertainty of a world they don’t yet understand and cannot carry. It is also a dangerous impulse, for it pulsates beneath every war and every reign of terror in the history of the world.”
For those of us who want to move forward
we must accept the unacceptable.
To find freedom
we must uncuff and release the old.
When we resist what is,
we get stuck to the very thing
we want to move away from.
Find compassion for
the ignorant child turning to
the abusive parent.
We are all in this together.
“Then Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they’re doing…” Luke 23:34